Father Marceli Dziurzyński (1861–1945) was a noted publisher and editor of a number of magazines, mainly for the country people. The most successful of them was Nowy Dzwonek (The New Hand Bell) that appeared continually from 1892, under altered names and at various intervals, until 1932. This article surveys the first phase of its history and its thematic range (religion, Polish history, current events in Poland and abroad, stories and poems). In that period the magazine also carried a number of supplements.Ksiądz Marceli Dziurzyński (1861–1945) wydawał i redagował kilka czasopism. Były to głównie pisma przeznaczone dla ludności wiejskiej. Najdłużej ukazywał się „Nowy Dzwonek” — w latach 1892–1932. Pismo wielokrotnie zmieniało tytuł, podtyt...
Artykuł jest studium na temat pierwszego w międzywojennej prasie polsko-żydowskiej dodatku dla dziec...
The second part of this article examines the content of the main sections of the weekly magazine Prz...
The article is related to the establishment and the development of women’s magazines which were publ...
Father Marceli Dziurzyński (1861–1945) was a noted publisher and editor of a number of magazines, ma...
“Przyjaciel Ludu Łecki” (1842, 1844) is the first secular Protestant magazine in Polish – addressed ...
The article presents the reader in the characteristics of the press market in the Second Republic o...
Following the regaining of independence by Poland, Poznań played an important role in the ecclesial ...
Artykuł przedstawia zarys dziejów czasopisma „Panteon Polski”, jedynego w prasie polskiego międzywoj...
The history of “Nasze Życie” [“Our Life”] magazine and its role in preserving and shaping the Polish...
Stanisław Przybyszewski’s contacts with Polish publishersIn the article the author disc...
Artykuł stanowi pionierską próbę przedstawienia sylwetki czasopisma „Ilustracja Polska” — pierwszego...
The article tells the story of “Ster”, the first radical feminist magazine in Poland. It was first p...
This article discusses the creation and the first period of activity of the largest and most importa...
The first part of this article focuses on one strand in the history of the weekly magazine Przyjacie...
“Motor” weekly is the oldest contemporary Polish automotive magazine. The periodical in over 65 year...
Artykuł jest studium na temat pierwszego w międzywojennej prasie polsko-żydowskiej dodatku dla dziec...
The second part of this article examines the content of the main sections of the weekly magazine Prz...
The article is related to the establishment and the development of women’s magazines which were publ...
Father Marceli Dziurzyński (1861–1945) was a noted publisher and editor of a number of magazines, ma...
“Przyjaciel Ludu Łecki” (1842, 1844) is the first secular Protestant magazine in Polish – addressed ...
The article presents the reader in the characteristics of the press market in the Second Republic o...
Following the regaining of independence by Poland, Poznań played an important role in the ecclesial ...
Artykuł przedstawia zarys dziejów czasopisma „Panteon Polski”, jedynego w prasie polskiego międzywoj...
The history of “Nasze Życie” [“Our Life”] magazine and its role in preserving and shaping the Polish...
Stanisław Przybyszewski’s contacts with Polish publishersIn the article the author disc...
Artykuł stanowi pionierską próbę przedstawienia sylwetki czasopisma „Ilustracja Polska” — pierwszego...
The article tells the story of “Ster”, the first radical feminist magazine in Poland. It was first p...
This article discusses the creation and the first period of activity of the largest and most importa...
The first part of this article focuses on one strand in the history of the weekly magazine Przyjacie...
“Motor” weekly is the oldest contemporary Polish automotive magazine. The periodical in over 65 year...
Artykuł jest studium na temat pierwszego w międzywojennej prasie polsko-żydowskiej dodatku dla dziec...
The second part of this article examines the content of the main sections of the weekly magazine Prz...
The article is related to the establishment and the development of women’s magazines which were publ...